Friday, April 8, 2011

Classic Eli-isms

Two terms heard frequently in conversations with Eli:

Chother: When two opponents square off in a game, they are said to, "Play against their chother." Use "their chother" in place of "each other".

Nother: When there are two possible choices, the one remaining or the one not present is referred to as, "the nother one."

Name Calling

We have a big lovable dog named Tommy, sometimes known as Thomas when necessary. Word to the wise: If you're a parent that gets your name called 100 times a day, DON'T name your dog something that rhymes with your name. If I answer, "What?!" I often hear in response, "I was talkin' to Tommy!" If I ignore it because I thought they were calling the dog, I get: "Mommy, didn't you hear me calling you???"

On the flip side, it is kind of cute when Eli calls me Mhomas.