Thursday, November 4, 2010

Theme Song Thursday: John Williams

Well this morning on the way to the sitter's (we always have our best talks then), Eli and I had a John Williams sing-along.

This is how it went...

Eli: Mommy. How does the Star Wars song go again?
Me: da DAAAAAAAA! da, da, da, DAAAAA daa... da, da, da DAAAAA da... da, da, da, da.
Eli: Yeah! That's it. (he joins in for another round.)
Me: What about this part when they're in the, dee, do, dee, do, dee, do, dedoodle, doodley do, de scroodle, ooo, do...
Eli: (erupts into laughter) Yeah I love that one! Now do the one where Darth Vader is walking with Luke. The other Star Wars one.
Eli: (top of his lungs, mind you it's 6:50 a.m.) DUN DUN DUN, DUN DE DUN, DUN DE DUN!!! heeheehee!!!!!
Me: How about Superman? I'm trying to think of it but I keep hearing Star Wars.
Eli: um...ummm...OH I ALMOST HAD IT. It's the part where he's picking up the helicopter and he has Lois Lane.
Me: You mean the part, "You've got me?! Who's got you??!!"
Eli: YEAH! That part. That's when they play the song.
Me: OH!! GOT IT!!!  dot da da Daaaa! dot da da da da Daaaa!!!!
Eli: Yep that's the one! (and he joins in for the next mile or so).
Me: (getting out to pump gas): OK now think of Indiana Jones...
Eli: Ughhhhhh it's in my brain and I can't get it! Now I keep singing Superman!

I get back in the car, and both of us are mashing up Star Wars and Superman all over the place trying to get Indiana Jones out of it. We walk into the babysitter's house and I explain what we've been doing. Does she look at us like we're crazy? NO.

Babysitter: Oh, Indiana Jones...Isn't that: Bom ba dum BOMM, dum de dummm, bom ba dum BOMMMM, dum de dum, dum dum!
Eli and Me: YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

She gets us.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chocolate Rainbow

Eli: Mommy. Do you know the song, "Chocolate Rainbow?"
Mommy: No Eli, I don't.
E: It goes like this:

Chocolate rainbow,
Chocolate rainbow...

Up in the sky far away
With Superheroes that live in it
And they are engaged to know...

M: Did you say, "engaged to know?"
E: Yes...
M: Ok.

E: And they are engaged to know...
And Superman is there
And Batman
And Mr. Incredible Hulk
And Spiderman
And Batman
Wait I already said Batman.
And Batgirl

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bedtime Story

Eli had to go to bed and miss The Backyardigans. His crying/moaning/whining soon escalated to, "You guys don't even care about me cryin'!"

He's so insightful...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rhyming Lesson

Eli and I have been talking about rhyming words a lot lately. He's finally figured it out, and now pairs words with rhyming sounds all the time. For example on our way to the sitter's this morning...

"Mommy, do 'junk' and 'trunk' rhyme?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gun Day

This conversation was relayed to me by our friend Dave the other night. Eli had brought along his four foot long musket to play with, and he was telling Dave about it and how he wished they could have battles at school.

Eli: You can only bring guns to school on Gun Day.
Dave: They have Gun Day???
Eli: No. And they never will.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sib A Lins

Eli (in his newly acquired teacher voice): Do you know what brothers and sisters are called? Do you know what that word is?
Me: Um...Do you mean 'siblings'?
Eli: That's right! Sib-a-lins. Mrs. P made it up.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Me: Eli, did you have a good first day at school? Did you love it?
Eli: Yeah. I want to live there.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eenie Meanie

Eenie meanie tiny moe, you can't catch this with my toe. You punk. 
-Eli singing in the car this afternoon.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Why do moths fly like they're broken?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Candy Land Massacre

Eavesdropping on Eli with his Candy Land game and police helicopter: 
Stop, this is the police!! YOU are arrested. Now come in here... 
But look! They're shutting down Candy Land for 1 week, not thirteen weeks. Because. You know WHY they will shut us down? Because. People will have too much CAAAANNDYYYY. AGHHH! 
(Barrage of gunfire follows.)

A Distinctive Palate

The only meat I like is the gray meat Nana made.

Enemies for Life

After picking Eli up from spending the night at Nana and Grandpa's...
Mommy, Grandpa is my favorite enemy. 

Underwear Discovery

Mommy, superheroes just wear their underwear over their costumes, did you know that???

I Don't Listen

Me: Eli, you forgot to scrape your cereal out of the bowl into the garbage.
Eli: No, I didn't forget. I just didn't do it. I don't listen.


Daddy: Eli, stop crawling on me. I don't wanna get mauled.
Eli: You already are bald!
Daddy: ... ... I said MAULED not BALD!


"I'm not just a bank robber. I'm your son," he said with a red bandana over face.