Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chocolate Rainbow

Eli: Mommy. Do you know the song, "Chocolate Rainbow?"
Mommy: No Eli, I don't.
E: It goes like this:

Chocolate rainbow,
Chocolate rainbow...

Up in the sky far away
With Superheroes that live in it
And they are engaged to know...

M: Did you say, "engaged to know?"
E: Yes...
M: Ok.

E: And they are engaged to know...
And Superman is there
And Batman
And Mr. Incredible Hulk
And Spiderman
And Batman
Wait I already said Batman.
And Batgirl

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bedtime Story

Eli had to go to bed and miss The Backyardigans. His crying/moaning/whining soon escalated to, "You guys don't even care about me cryin'!"

He's so insightful...