Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We've noticed the meds given to Eli act like sort of a truth serum...I'm sure this list will keep growing!

To Daddy: You’re breathing on me, and your breath smells. And, you even do it when you’re sleepin’.

To a taller than average nurse with a high hair up-do: Oh my gosh, you look like a giant!

Mommy: Does your stomach feel any better?
Eli: Well after that crazy toot it does!

Aunt Kathy: What's wrong honey, are you gonna get sick? Do you need a bin?
Eli: No, I need a cup. It's just my salima... *spits into cup*

Eli: Mommy, I love you. I love you more than how many pillowcases they have here.

And lastly: When Eli presses the button for his pain meds, he phrases his answer in the form of a question a la Jeopardy! and states: What is Morphine?